Introducing a new way to play KVK with SOP takeover, exclusive rewards, and more!
KvK Invasion was set out to be an iterative game mode with unique ways for experienced players to engage other players on the battlefield. To this end, we are proud to announce the latest change to KvK, War for the Throne.
This is a culmination in both user feedback and designer planning to take KvK from the basic Invasion mode and turn it into something entirely new. We’ve got a big post today to walk you through it, starting with these specific areas:
- Seat of Power Take Over
- Cross Kingdom Communication
- Seat of Power Payouts
- KvK-Exclusive rewards
The battle for Kingdom supremacy is taken one step further this month in War for the Throne!
Stay tuned to the end of the post to learn how you can help shape the future of the feature.
Usurp the Throne!
One of the most requested features for KvK Invasions has been SoP takeovers. We’ve seen it in our early tests, throughout our launch Q&A, on our social pages, and across Discord. We’re happy to announce that with the next KvK Invasion, you’ll be able to take SoPs while invading and take back SoPs in your home kingdom! “
Players who take over Seats of Power outside their home Kingdom are labeled Usurpers but
SoP bonuses still work the same as in previous Invasion events:
- SoP Title bonuses apply regardless of which Kingdom you are currently in
- Regional SoP bonuses apply only when on the Kingdom that the taken SoP is.
- At the end of the Across the Narrow Sea event, players will be sent to their home Kingdoms and usurped Seats of Power will be returned to NPC control.
If an invader steals one of your home Kingdom’s SoPs, you can attack and take those back as well. Friendly fire is still disabled for this event, so you cannot attack or steal a Seat of Power that is held by another member of your home Kingdom while the ‘Across the Narrow Sea’ event is active. This applies both on your home Kingdom and in the invaded Kingdom.
KvK War for the Throne builds upon previous Invasion incarnations and makes use of Rebellion
SoP unlock mechanics – read more about the rules of engagement in our KvK Event Guide! (URL:
The Spoils of War!
Just holding Seats of Power is not enough, we want players to fight to take territory for special rewards they can’t get anywhere else. After all, KvK Invasion is one of our most intense combat experiences, so expect unique rewards to match.
For our September KvK War for the Throne, we introduce SoP Payouts. Anyone still holding a
Seat of Power when Across the Narrow Sea event ends will earn a special reward– Pawn Shards to unlock an all-new, exclusive KvK Pawn!

The number of shards awarded will increase the higher star Seat you hold at the end of the event.
KvK Pawn Shard Payouts by Seat of Power Star Ranking:
- 1 Star – 1,400 Shards
- 1.5 Stars – 2,000 Shards
- 2 Stars – 3,000 Shards
- 2.5 Stars – 5,000 Shards
- 3 Stars – 10,000 Shards
- 3.5 Stars – 15,000 Shards
- 4 Stars – 20,000 Shards
- 4.5 Stars – 30,000 Shards
- 5 Stars – 45,000 Shards
Bragging Rights!
Conquering an SoP in a new kingdom feels good, but you know what feels even better? Taunting the entire Kingdom along with!
In KvK War for the Throne, we’re adding a new cross-kingdom tab to the Chat Center where you can offer jeers or cheers to your new opponents. This new chat tab opens up before any fighting begins, so be sure to jump in and introduce yourself.
Event Schedule
KvK War for the Throne encompasses both Invasion and Rebellion Seat of Power mechanics. The event schedule and reward payouts are as follows:
Rebellion: War for the Throne
- War for the Throne: Open War (Earn points for PvP with additional SoP unlocks) and War for the Throne: Across the Narrow Sea (Invade another Kingdom) will start at the same time on Saturday.
- The Across the Narrow Sea invasion portion will last 24 hours, while Open War and its associated Seat of Power unlocks will run for 32 hours.
- Exclusive KvK Pawn Shard rewards will pay out to any player holding a Seat of Power when Across the Narrow Sea ends.
- See your in-game events panel for exact start and end times for your Kingdom!
Looking Ahead
We are so pleased to be able to deliver this suite of new features, which will have an impact even outside of Invasions! Some players may have already encountered Cross-Kingdom Chat during our last Kingdom Merge, and we’d love to introduce SoP payouts to more PvP events going forward.
These features and format changes were developed as a result of our conversations with players after the initial launch of KvK Invasion. We know what a great, creative, and competitive community we have, so we want to hear from you again!
We invite players to join us on Discord for a discussion about these new features and cross-Kingdom events as a whole. We’d love to hear what you think we can do to iterate on the format, schedule, or scoring.
See you on the battlefield!