We have word from up north that changes are brewing once again along The Wall!
In our January update, we outlined our goals for this event and a number of changes we were making to accomplish that. We want to keep the core gameplay goals, while opening it up to more people and relaxing some of the friction felt in our last run.
Read on to hear how we’ll be addressing your feedback in our next Night’s Watch Mutiny event, happening the weekend of March 26-28!

Note: All times are EDT, and start times vary by kingdom. Check your in-game events panel for exact time.
- Sword in the Darkness – Earn points for training troops!
- All Eyes on the Wall – during this event, all non-event Seats of power will be locked during this period so you can safely focus on the north.
- Battle in the Gift – Earn points for PvP, gathering at Strategic Terrain, and sending Strategic Maneuver gifts! Be on the lookout for event recipes that use Battlefield Salvage and Strategic Advantage to help you on the battlefield.
- War for the Wall – Earn points for sending Strategic Maneuver gifts, or by collecting Shipments from your Great Hall while holding an Event-Limited Seat of Power or an associated title (Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, the Shadow Tower, the Nightfort, or Castle Black.)
- Hour of the Wolf (Rounds I – III) – Keep an eye on these events to know when seats will lock/unlock, as well as unlock useful event boosts to help your team!

What’s staying the same?
Our goal is still to make this event accessible to a wider range of players, either by competing at The Wall or tackling Strategic Terrain.
To support this, we have kept the SoP lock period (All Eyes on the Wall) to allow holders of regular, non-event SoPs to compete rather than sit out on their seats. We have changed the timing, however, and you can read about that below.
We have also kept the smaller Strategic Terrain node sizes at 8,000 Battlefield Salvage–making them quicker to farm and effectively doubling the number of Strategic Maneuver gifts available.

Whats New?

More Heads up
First and foremost, we are announcing this event earlier to give folks more time to prepare!
We’ve also addressed a user interface issue that caused SoP unlock timers to update closer to the actual event start than we wanted, so there should be more in-game heads up as well.

More Rounds, Shorter Breaks
We’ve moved up these events to start 2 hours earlier (roughly 12 PM ET Saturday, varied by kingdom) and added a 3rd round of Hour of the Wolf. This is to address concerns and open more opportunities for folks in different timezones to compete at The Wall.
The break period after the War for the Wall has also been shortened to 7 hours to accommodate more rounds and give players more time to compete over the normal SOPs after All Eyes on the Wall ends.
We heard some feedback that the 10-hour break was too long, so let us know if the new break duration feels better!

Round Boosts
We got some great feedback on the utility of the different event boosts that run alongside each Hour of the Wolf round event, as well as how that impacts ST gathering.
Each round now highlights a different troop type.
- Round I: +20% Ranged Attack/Defense/Health
- Round II: +20% Infantry Attack/Defense/Health
- Round III: +20% Cavalry Attack/Defense/Health
Remember to check out the currently active Hour of the Wolf event to see what boosts are active and plan your march composition accordingly!

New Kingdom Exclusions
We heard from folks on recently merged kingdoms that this disrupted the excitement of their regional unlocks.
Going forward, we will not be adding the non-event SoP lock event for new or recently merged kingdoms that have not had all of their regions unlocked from this event, similar to our Rebellion and War for the Throne events.

Let us know what you think!
We heard so much feedback from players after the last run. While implementing it all at once could have been another shock to this event, we are committed to continuing to listen and make incremental changes. That is where you come in!
If you love or hate anything about these changes, we will be sending out surveys to players after this event.
We’ll also have a #nights-watch-mutiny channel up on Discord for players to chat, and the team will circle up there Monday after this event to get your final thoughts.
Community feedback will decide what we tackle next, so be sure to join us, and good luck in the battles ahead!