“The Old Gods were nearly forgotten after the Seven came with the Andals to reign over Westeros… but the North remembers. We still kneel to the weirwood trees, are judged by their pained faces, lay our sins before them as naked as babes. A day will come when the people forsake the Seven in favor of a new religion – perhaps this Lord of Light – but the Old Gods will remain to watch us until our dying days.”
We’re honoring the Old Gods with a week packed full of flash events and bonus rewards.
- Shrine Bonus Payouts – Any prayers made at the Shrine this week have a chance of paying out bonus hero rewards, including Hero XP or even a jackpot of Oaths or Royal Seals!
- Flash Events – Look out for 24 hour versions of popular events including Crafting, Building, Heroes, Dragon and Research.
- For those who frequent the Iron Bank, be on the look out for daily bonus Gold events which will stack with the weekly Gold event. You can get credit for Gold purchases across both events.
Note: Prayers do not earn points in other events this week.

First Look – Template Recipes
We also have some new recipe tech that allows us to surface different Recipes to players based on stats, giving us more flexibility to be able to highlight content that’s useful for your current level.
Updated 7/29: For our first run, players with higher-level dragons will be able to craft additional recipes during this week’s dragon event. We intend to introduce additional recipes in the future that allow you to craft higher-level gear templates based on your Lord Level aswell.
During this week’s Rise of Dragons event, the following kingdoms will be the first to interact with these stat-based Recipes:
Kingdoms: 701, 735, 736, 805
Let us know what you think of the reworked event and new recipes over on our Discord community!