The next Stake Your Claim (SYC) event will begin on Friday, December 2nd!
Read on to find out the latest event iterations as well which kingdoms will be paired up for this event!
What Is Stake Your Claim?
Soon, the allegiances in your kingdom and those in another kingdom will embark on a new adventure. You will leave your current kingdoms behind as you look for new territory to stake your claim in.
When the event starts, your kingdom will compete with another kingdom as your allegiances look for a new permanent home to conquer. Seats of Power in your home kingdom will be safe from combat during this time.
Make sure to check your upcoming event panel for the exact time at which the Stake Your Claim event will start.
Click here to read more about the mechanics of this event in our guide!

Stake Your Claim Adjustments
Home Kingdom SoPs
With this new iteration, we will be evicting all players from soon-to-be-purged kingdoms SoPs at the start of Stake Your Claim. This eliminates several exploits that players in previous SYC events reported, and will allow players to enter the neutral maps on a similar footing.
Battlegrounds will be disabled on both soon-to-be-purged kingdoms and the new kingdoms during the event.

Our next Stake Your Claim will be with kingdoms 829 & 834 into four new kingdoms. The number of new kingdoms is determined based on the combined population of the source kingdoms.
As always, we invite you to join the conversation on our official community Discord to chat with other players, and let us know what you think of the event.
Wishing you all good fortune in the battles to come!