Among the many battles and tales to involve the Kingsguard, few are so fabled or fresh in memory as those that participated in what would become known as The Defiance of Duskendale, where the duplicity of a fading noble house in the Crownlands must contend with the stalwart bravery of knights who would give anything to protect their liege.
Participate in this month’s events in Game of Thrones: Conquest and look forward to the following content for June!
- Honor of the Kingsguard: Defiance of Duskendale event arc
- New Gear Set: Targaryen Kingsguard
- New Trinket: Grappling Hook
- New Dragon Gear Piece: Regal Serpent Saddle
- New Hero Relic Recipes available during the Festival of the Father event
- Crafting Flashbacks: Season 5 & 6 Gear and Select Trinket Collections
New Gear Set: Targaryen Kingsguard

Part of Gear Season 9, which includes a 9th stat slot for high-level gear pieces, the Targaryen Kingsguard gear set arrives in June! Visually, the gear set is a representation of the Kingsguard uniform and sword worn by Ser Barristan Selmy during the Defiance of Duskendale. You can start collecting its crafting materials by participating in the House Darklyn event on May 31st!
This month’s set is themed around Ranged Combat and you can expect to see Ranged stats that apply in all situations as well as ones that are focused towards PvP and Seats of Power. More uniquely, certain pieces will provide you additional Ranged Attack and Defense stats against other player’s Infantry and Ranged, giving you a leg up when facing those troop types!
Here’s a full list of stats featured in this month’s gear set:
- +Ranged Attack/Defense/Health
- +Ranged Attack/Defense/Health Vs. Players
- +Ranged Attack/Defense/Health Vs. Players Seats of Power
- +Ranged Attack/Defense Vs. Players Infantry
- +Ranged Attack/Defense Vs. Players Ranged
- +Marcher Ranged Attack/Defense/Health Vs. Players
- +Marching Speed Vs. Seats of Power
- +Marching Speed Vs. Players
- +Max March Size
New Dragon Gear Piece: Regal Serpent Saddle

With an expected release on June 19th, the Regal Serpent Saddle will be available to craft! Continuing the set’s Dragon Combat theme, this piece will provide you with Dragon Ranged stats.
Complete the entire set on July 17th when the Regal Serpent Peytral releases, featuring Dragon Infantry stats!
Festival of the Father: New Hero Relic Recipes!

On June 16th, Festival of the Father will be taking place with brand new Hero Relic recipes available for you to use!
For the duration of 7 days, you can earn Gifts and Favors by completing Daily Quests. Then, send Favors to earn Points for you and your Allegiance, and trade Favors for time-limited Recipes.
Here are the recipes available this month with new recipes highlighted in Orange:
- Hot Pie – Night’s Watch Recruit
- Lancel Lannister – King’s Squire
- Maester Luwin – Maester of Winterfell
- Robb Stark – Heir To Winterfell
- Petyr Baelish – Littlefinger
- Qyburn – Fallen Maester
- Tyrion Lannister – The Imp
- Loras Tyrell – Knight of Flowers
- Cersei Lannister – Queen Mother
- Balon Greyjoy – Lord Reaper
- Jaime Lannister – Kingsguard
- Sansa Stark – Lady of the North
- Robb Stark – Young Wolf
- Daenerys Targaryen – Dragon Queen
Creature Spotlight: Darklyn Bannermen & Commanders
House Darklyn was famed for having had more men from their house become Kingsguard than any other, a testament to their skill at arms.
Prepare for a difficult fight when you face the Darklyn Bannermen during the Defiance of Duskendale event on May 31st and the Darklyn Commanders during the Savior of the King event on June 12th!
Loyal Companion Spotlight
Did you miss your chance to earn the Ghost hero card during the Jon Snow event? Don’t worry. He will continue to be featured in regular Hero Shop rotations, so be sure to keep an eye out!
In the meantime, we’d like to highlight some awesome loyal companions from the development team and community. Here’s our month’s favorites!

Want to have your pet featured in an upcoming spotlight? Tweet at @GOTConquest with a picture of your loyal companion along with its name, fun facts about them, your in-game name, and Kingdom Number!
Crafting Flashbacks
June brings back crafting materials for Season 5 and 6 Gear Sets and select Trinket Collections during Three-Eyed Raven events. Catch what’s available to craft this month below!
Three-Eyed Raven: Insight (Season 5 & 6 Gear Sets) – June 14th

Season 5
- Dornish Royal Gear Set
- Lost Ranger’s Gear Set
- Crow Slayer Gear Set
- Keep Architect Gear Set
- War Hound Gear Set
- Tourney Queen Gear Set
- Fiery Zealot Gear Set
Season 6
- Queen of Lions Gear Set
- Drowned Disciples Gear Set
- Unleashed Warrior Gear Set
- Crannogman Trapper Gear Set
- Northern Guardian Gear Set
- Rimed Revenant Gear Set
- High Garden Socialite Gear Set
Three-Eyed Raven: Intuition (Trinket Collections) – June 21st

House Arryn
- Falcon Shield
- Wildling Bone Needle
- Rampant Emblem
House Mormont
- Vinter’s Goblet
- Winter Rose Necklace
- Stalwart Claw
House Targaryen
- Livestock Cleaver
- Amber Strongwine
- The Dance of Dragons
House Martell
- Venomous Whip
- Grim Storybook
- Milk-drinker’s Horn
Artifacts of Winter
- Revenant Sigil
- Floral Brooch
- Kraken’s Beak
Event Schedule

In June, you’ll be able to follow the Honor of the Kingsguard event and storyline just by playing! Here’s a full schedule of June’s activities so that you won’t miss a beat.
Honor of the Kingsguard
- House Darklyn (New Gear Set) – May 31st
- The Defiance of Duskendale (PvE) – May 31st
- The Siege of the Dun Fort (Event Recipes) – June 2nd
- Ser Barristan the Bold (New Trinket) – June 7th
- A Desperate Plan (PvE) – June 7th
- Savior of the King (PvE Rally) – June 12th
- The Mad King’s Ire (Event Recipes) – June 20th
Power-Up Events
- The Priest’s Shadow (Research) – June 1st / June 22nd
- The Rise of Dragons (Dragons) – June 5th / June 19th
- The Stranger’s Eye – June 6th
- The Rich Man’s Shadow (Buildings) – June 8th / June 29th
- Heroes of the Great Game (Heroes) – June 12th / June 26th
- A Maester’s Journey (Expeditions) – June 15th
- Varys’s Riddle (Overall Power) – June 16th
PvE Events
- Breach At The Wall – June 2nd
- The Great Hunt – June 20th
PvP Events
- Night’s Watch Mutiny – May 31st
- Profit From Chaos – June 9th
- The Climb – June 17th
- War For The Throne – June 23rd
- Children of the Forest – June 28th
Crafting Events
- Three-Eyed Raven: Insight (Season 5 & 6 Gear) – June 14th
- Three-Eyed Raven: Intuition (Trinket Crafting) – June 21st
Special Events
- Festival of the Father – June 16th
The Kingsguard and Tywin Lannister’s troops bid their time during the final evening of the siege of Duskendale shortly before Ser Barristan Selmy embarked on his solo rescue mission for King Aerys. Decorate your devices with the official Honor of the Kingsguard wallpaper, available for both Mobile and Desktop!
To save on Mobile, tap and hold the image, and select “Download image”. To save on Desktop, right-click and select “Save image as…”


Discord Stage
Did you miss the show live and wanted to hear DanDan’s farewell speech? You can check out the recording here!
We hope you’ve enjoyed this preview for the month of June! If you like this preview or have opinions on how it could be improved, visit us on Discord and post your feedback!