Introducing : Dragon Armory

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“Dreams didn’t make us kings. Dragons did.”Daemon Targaryen

Introducing Dragon Armory! This new addition to Game of Thrones: Conquest offers a valuable way to utilize excess Dragon Gear

The Dragon Armory has functionality similar to the Gear and Trinket Armory, allowing you to showcase your previously crafted Dragon Gear, boosting your Power and bestowing specific combat Bonuses.

  • Each Dragon Armory collection consists of 3 pieces of Dragon Gear: a Chanfron, Saddle, and Peytral.
  • Each Dragon Armory collection grants up to 4 stat increases based on the level and rarity of the gear slotted.
  • You can access this new feature by jumping into the Dragon Pit, tapping the Armory option, or through the Smithy. 
  • At launch, there will be 6 armories available: Dragon Keeper, Regal Serpent, Tide Breaker, Verdant Guardian, Sky Reaver and Scarlet Rogue.

To learn a bit more about this new feature, we hosted a Q&A session with developers from the Dragon Armory team.

Q1: Who are you and what do you do at the Studio?

Zenterra: Hello! I’m a Game Designer for Warner Brothers Games Boston. I’ve worked in a few different areas but have been mostly part of the live operations and combat meta team with gear and heroes.

Folklore: Hi, I’m a Product Manager for Warner Brothers Games Boston. My primary focus has been Live Ops Heroes, Gear, and other collectibles.

Q2: What is Dragon Armory?

Zenterra: Dragon Armory! You probably have an idea of what that could be, haha. We’ve created an armory where you can put your Dragon’s gear, and unlock some cool stats!

Folklore: We wanted to get ahead of future releases of Dragon Gear and do our best to make sure your investments have been worthwhile. This way we can keep new gear exciting without invalidating the older sets.

Q3: How many collections are we launching with? 

Zenterra: We will be releasing the Dragon armory with 6 collections. This is based on the 6 dragon gear sets that have already been released. The Collections will have the same name as the sets themselves. The 6th collection; Scarlet Rogue will be the one that is most current or active when we launch the Dragon Armory with the second piece of that collection going live at that time. So once this feature is live, the peytral and the chanfron will be available to place into the collection. And the 7th collection will become active once the first piece of the next set comes out in August.

Q4: Is Dragon Armory similar to Trinket or Gear Armory?

Zenterra:  Yes! The armory system mechanics will be very similar to the gear and trinket armories. It will be using a similar process of slotting the gear pieces into the collection in order to unlock stats. The level and rarity of the dragon gear pieces you slot will determine the amount of collection points that are earned, and that will determine what is unlocked, as well as the overall outcome of the stats. There will be 150 Collection levels that can be reached, but the magnitude and progression of the stats at each level will be synonymous to the Dragon Armory.

Q5: What expectations can players have about the Dragon Gear Armory going forward?

Zenterra: We want to make sure that everyone who is utilizing the Dragon armory and is crafting Dragon gear for this new system are being rewarded for what they are putting into it. 

So we’re looking at what it takes to craft Dragon gear and trying to make sure that what you end up putting into a collection rewards you with something beneficial. We also want to make sure that you’re getting buffs that are desirable, so we’ve added some newer variations of buffs into the collections that have not yet been in an armory, or on gear before.

Folklore: We will be looking forward to seeing how these new Dragon armory collections do, so feedback will be something we want to keep our eyes on to make sure that we are delivering an experience that everyone is happy with!

Thank you Zenterra & Folklore for joining us today to talk!

Dragon armory is expected to release June 2024.

Have any feedback or comments about our newest feature? Head on over to our Discord! We’re always happy to hear what you are thinking.

Wishing you all good fortune in the wars to come!