Three centuries ago, Aegon the Conqueror and his sisters flew their dragons across Westeros and united a continent in their shadow. With ingenuity, courage, fire, and blood, they forged these fragmentary kingdoms into a legendary dynasty.
Look for these Featured Rewards throughout the Aegon’s Conquest event:
- Greenfyre Pennies crafting material to craft the Greenfyre Captain gear set!
- Recovered Blades are used to craft the Frozen Fire Necklace trinket!
- Braavosi Loan trophies can be traded for prizes in the Recipes tab of your Inventory while the Painted Table or Turn of the Wheel events are active.
- New Dragon Gear Set Piece: Emerald Sentinel Peytral
Let’s dive into the content that’s coming in December!
New Gear Set: Greenfyre Captain

Represent Team Green by crafting the Greenfyre Captain gear set, available while the “Aegon’s Conquest” events are active! Equip this set on your avatar to unlock Dragon Combat bonuses, such as Dragon Troop Attack, Dragon Marcher Troop Attack Vs. Players, Dragon Attack Vs. Players Ranged/Cavalry/Infantry, and much more.
Here is a select list of stats that this gear set will offer:
- +Dragon Troop Attack
- +Dragon Marcher Troop Attack Vs Player
- +Dragon Attack Vs. Players Ranged/Cavalry/Infantry
- +Dragon Defense
- +Max March Size Vs Seats of Power
- +Dragon Max March Size
- +Dragon Attack Vs. Dragon
- +Max March Size Percent
New Dragon Gear Set Piece: Emerald Sentinel Peytral

On December 23rd, the Emerald Sentinel Peytral will be available to craft! Equipping the piece on your Dragon will provide you with Dragon Ranged Attack bonuses as well as stats that will bolster your Dragon Marcher Troop Defense and Attack.
Here are its full list of stats:
- Dragon Attack
- Dragon Marcher Troop Defense Vs Player
- Dragon Marcher Troop Attack Vs Player
- Dragon Ranged Attack Vs Player
- Dragon March Size Vs Player
To learn more about Dragon Gear, visit:
Monthly Event Schedule

Follow the story of Aegon I Targaryen, the first king of the Targaryen dynasty, by participating in this month’s events! Here’s a full schedule of events for December:
Aegon’s Conquest
- Invasion of Dorne (Gear Crafting) – December 4th
- Fire and Blood (PvE) – December 4th
- The Painted Table (Arc Recipe Pt. 1) – December 6th
- Arrogance of the Storm King (Trinket Crafting) – December 11th
- Last Storm (PvE) – December 11th
- Beasts of the Fourteen Fires (PvE Rally) – December 16th
- Turn of the Wheel (Arc Recipe Pt. 2) – December 24th
Power-Up Events
- Heroes of the Great Game (Heroes) – December 2nd / December 16th / December 30th
- The Priest’s Shadow (Research) – December 5th
- The Rise of Dragons (Dragons) – December 9th / December 23rd
- The Rich Man’s Shadow (Building) – December 12th / December 26th
- A Maester’s Journey (Expeditions) – December 19th
- Varys’s Riddle (Total Power) – December 20th
- Breach At The Wall – December 6th
- The Great Hunt – December 24th
- Children of the Forest – December 3rd
- Profit From Chaos – December 13th
- The Climb – December 21st
- Test Your Mettle – December 21st
- War For The Throne – December 27th
Crafting Events
- Three-Eyed Raven (Season 1-3 Gear) – December 18th
- Three-Eyed Raven (Trinket Crafting) – December 25th
Special Events
- Dragon’s Delight – December 10th
- Festival of the Crone – December 23rd
- Feast of Cakes and Pies – December 31st
Decorate your Mobile and Desktop devices with this stunning artwork of Aegon the Conqueror and Balerion the Black Dread!
To save on Mobile, tap and hold the image, and select “Download image”. To save on Desktop, right-click and select “Save image as…”


We hope you’ve enjoyed this preview for the month of December! If you like this preview or have opinions on how it could be improved, visit us on Discord and post your feedback!