Read on to learn more about the upcoming features and bug fixes for Game of Thrones: Conquest!
New and Upcoming
- Players will soon be able to re-watch the introduction video you see when you first download Game of Thrones: Conquest in the Settings panel.
- Basic Resource Flux Recipes are now permanently available in the recipes tab of your Inventory!
Bug Fixes
- Switching between tabs in the Forge Recipes panel with trinkets and gear recipes under level 15 would display empty materials icons.
- Heroes were not displayed while in the Small Council panel.
- Point breakdowns were offset by one during the 100th Hero Progressive event.
- Equipment that had been favorited would show as a potential option in the Deconstruction panel.
- Players could tap the ‘Save’ button even if no changes were made in the Dragon Customization panel.
- General bug fixes to our unreleased event: Greyjoy Rebellion.
- Localization and text out-of-bound errors were fixed in multiple languages.
- Backend improvements were made to the syncing, loading, textures, and combat map.