Kingdom Merge – Event Guide

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“If you only trust the people you grew up with, you won’t make many allies.” Jon Snow

There is a certain lifecycle to the realm and its kingdoms- an ebb and flow of growth and ruin, battle and peace. But peace seldom lasts when you play the game of thrones. The cycle begins anew as kingdoms collide and new powers emerge. How will you and your allies seize the opportunities born of the chaos?

In this guide we will walk through what to expect from Kingdom Merges in Game of Thrones: Conquest, so you may go forth and conquer!

Already familiar with merge? View upcoming and past Merge Pairings here!


Upcoming Kingdom Merge…

As Kingdoms age, they become eligible for more different types of events. After several months on your kingdom you may notice some of the following indicators:

  • A community announcement or blog post regarding a future ‘Kingdom Merge’.
  • The “Prepare for War” event will appear in your event panel 1 week prior to a merge.

This means your kingdom has been selected for Kingdom Merge! This is an exciting event where the residents of your kingdom map will be combined with another, similar kingdom, creating a new one in the process

The progress you’ve made and allegiance ties will remain, but players will lose any Seats of Power or granted titles they hold as you are transported to a brand new Combat Map.

Merge Day

Typically at 10:00AM Eastern Time (North America), merging kingdoms will go offline into maintenance mode. The game will be inaccessible until your specific merge is complete. The order in which kingdoms will merge are specified on our blog.

Kingdom Merge is complete…

Once the merge completes, players will have been randomly teleported to a random new location, including players who once occupied Seats of Power.

  • Keeps will be shielded for 24 hours after merge.This is additive, so 24 hours will be added to any existing shield you have on your keep when merge begins. 
  • Allegiance tags will reset, so make sure to claim yours before someone else! House names will remain the same.
  • Quests in the Daily Quests panel will reset. Take advantage of these extra rewards by completing your quests before the merge begins!
  • All Seats of Power will return to NPC control. This allows everyone to have a more balanced start before attacking Seat of Powers once again. Look to the Unlock Timers on the Seats of Power on your new kingdom to see when they will unlock for the first time.
  • An accelerated Seat of Power release cadence will begin. Seats will be released over a four week period, accumulating in the opening of Kings Landing.


There are numerous opportunities and risks when encountering new individuals and the power they possess. How will you devise a strategy to ensure that you and your allies come out on top?

Unite against a common enemy. Join forces with your current kingdom and prepare to confront the new challengers.

Are you seeking something different? Consider forming your own allegiance or joining an existing one! Many allegiances are in search of powerful members, and you might feel disillusioned with your original kingdom. Perhaps now is the time to defeat a longstanding rival.

Get ahead in climbing the Seat of Power ladder. Collaborate with your allegiance to secure locations around Seats of Power before they become available. The closer you are to powerful locations like Dragonstone or Harrenhal, the quicker your marches can reach its gates!

Frequently Asked Questions

What kingdom am I in?

You can view what your kingdom number is in the Settings Panel, above the ‘Account’ tab. This number will change after your merging (You will not know your new kingdom number until merge is complete.)

When will my kingdom merge?

Typically, it takes about 4 months before a kingdom becomes eligible for their first kingdom merge. 

Afterwards, your kingdom will merge approximately every three to six months depending on how healthy the competitive balance is of your kingdom. Once your kingdom reaches ‘elder status’, you will be eligible for events like Stake Your Claim and War of the Kings.

How do I know when my kingdom is scheduled for a Kingdom Merge event?

In-game; the ‘Kingdom Merge Events’ panel will appear, with the ‘Prepare for War’ events available to view. These events focus on gathering, training, and upgrading to prepare yourself for meeting the new Lords and Ladies, Allegiances, and Alliances of the Kingdoms you are merging with.

We also announce the date of Kingdom Merge on our Discord and Blog when we announce Merge Pairings.

What kingdoms will my kingdom merge with?

By tapping on the ‘Prepare for War : Part II’ or ‘Prepare for War : Part III’ events, you can view what kingdoms you will be merging with under the ‘Participating Kingdoms’ tab.

You can also view what kingdoms you will be merging with by keeping up to date with our blog and turning on notifications to our Discord. We typically post Merge Pairings a week before merge day.

How do I speak with players in another kingdom before merge?

If you would like to strategize with players on an opposing kingdom before merge, make sure to head on over to our Discord!

Many player run communities will be looking to combine players under a single banner, and plenty are happy to chat in our #merge-and-stake channel about the upcoming event.

How does the development team determine which kingdoms are merged together?

There are many factors the team looks at to decide a Kingdom Merge. Generally, kingdoms that are similar ages, behave similarly or have similar distributions of keep power levels are paired together.

The ideal outcome of a merge is an active kingdom with similar players. Sometimes it works out that 8 kingdoms combined will get us there the same way a 2 kingdom merge would.

We will not purposely merge kingdoms together that do not follow our strict criteria.

Why did my Seat of Power unlock cadence change?

When you merge, your Seat of Power unlock cycle will adjust to an accelerated cadence. This means your Seats of Power will open up quicker than before.

Note: Seat of Power opening times are staggered across kingdoms, and times will fluctuate based on what kingdom you’re in.

Will I be placed on the map if I don’t log in after merge?

Yes. Your keep will be placed on the map with an additional 24 hour Peace Shield, once that shield expires your keep will be vulnerable to other players.